Saturday 27th July 2024,
Sandeep Mann


This has been a passion arena. Have spent multiple decades searching secrets that energise academics, and serving this sector. Students may visit this link.

If you’re an institution, you can avail of these services:

  • Visiting Faculty
  • Guest Lecture
  • Induction Programs
  • Faculty Development Programs
  • Tie-ups with Foreign Universities
  • Transporting to Online Certification Platforms
  • Innovations in Pedagogy & Curricula

Have taken full semester courses at leading B-schools and engineering colleges, with complete syllabi, lecture plans and study material, and examinations & viva-voce, on these subjects:

  • Strategic Management I – Conception
  • Strategic Management II – Execution
  • Microeconomics of Competitiveness as taught at Harvard Business School
  • International Business/ International Marketing/ Global Strategic Alliances
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation
  • Branding
  • Human Resource Basics and Advanced
  • Advanced Physics
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Advanced Electronics/ Communication Engineering/ Network & Control Systems
  • Engineering Drawing/ Machine Drawing
  • Thermodynamics

Guest lectures have varied across these themes:

  • Grasping Innovation – Applications Galore
  • Adding Value to MBA/ BTech
  • Gunning for Ace Campus Placements
  • Defining CV – Winning the One Crore Salary Job
  • Understanding What is Strategy – a Corporate Insight
  • Due Diligence behind Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Death of Brand? – a Brand Communications Talk
  • Aspiring to be a CEO – nuts and bolts
  • Is India ready for Blue Ocean Strategy Initiatives?
  • A Value Chain Analysis of Industrial Activity
  • Is HR clueless about Business Performance?
  • The Future of Events Management
  • Competitiveness of Indian States
  • The Ideal Software Programmer’s CV – Best of Projects
  • How to Best Spend the Summer Internship

A few Innovative Courses that have been run are:

I. An Integrated Awareness-cum-Communications Primer – IACP.
A once a week session of 2/3 hours for a group of 50-100 over 12 meets works the magic.
This is particularly useful as the MBA students are often found unaware on even basic issues and for lack of ideas,
are unable to handle GDs and Personal Interview questions along the same lines.

Each session has presentations-and-discussion by the students under guidance on as wide spectrum themes as:
– Economy issue
– Science/ Technology developments
– Latest/ Masterpiece Management Books/ Biographies
– a chosen Country studied threadbare
– Health/ Travel avenue
– Sports/ Interest for CV Building
– Political stories
– Persons in news
– chosen Business Websites/ Blogs
– Stock Market roundup
– Places in news
– chosen State/ City with full demographic number crunching
– chosen Company profiled deep
– chosen Industry analysed on Career options, Value Chain and 5 Forces (very useful as students are unaware on industry dynamics)
– Entertainment/ Fun events coverage

II. Certification in Recruitment Profession – CIRP.
MBA HR students, willy-nilly have to learn about recruitment. This 10 session program makes them hands-on expert in the art and science of recruitment. This also helps the college earn some revenue.
Naturally, the students stand to pass the selection process of leading Blue Chip companies
(Ask for Details please – drop an email)

III. Creativity and Innovation Mindset – CIM.
This is very useful for all streams of engineering and various management specializations. Apart from sharing latest trends in various industries, techniques are imparted. The project work enables students to practically realize their learning’s value. Edward de bono’s and Roger von Oech’s approaches are weaved in this course.
(Ask for Details please – drop an email)