Friday 24th January 2025,
Sandeep Mann

My Take on Team Anna Situation as of 27th Dec 2011

Team Anna
My Take on Team Anna Situation as of 27th Dec 2011:
(Deliberated, intuitively figured out, with whatever limited info’ a common Indian citizen has access to, with some access to gossip of workers of few political parties)

– Team Anna is honest, and has no malafide.
– Someone has fed money to media to give coverage to acivities of Team Anna; don’t know who, maybe even Team Anna is not very aware of this ‘who’
– Team Anna has no RSS/ BJP etc behind it; of course BJP is trying to leverage the space created by Team Anna’s crusade, as any political party would; not that BJP is cleaner than Congress
– Congress has committed huge corruption stuff, and has no choice other than delay Team Anna’s demands; its stalwarts would necessarily end up in jails.
– Congress’s weak point is Manmohan Singh, who can confess to all, under duress of guilt and conscience; it seems SG has brainwashed him into dreaming a long term strategic canvas, as her team goes about managing petty politics
– FDI in multi-brand Retail was deliberately announced to kill early bringing in of Lokpal bill
– Laloo, Mulayam are equally afraid of the possible incarceration and are being co-partners of Congress in perpetrating corruption
– Media, no doubt having been funded, has also smartly seen short range TRP gains, and long term shift in Indian polity – so is playing the fomentor’s role; indeed most Media is JNU thought guided
– Team Anna’s is not concerned with practicalities of Lokpal bill; their focus is to make voters more demanding of their MPs and MLAs – shaking voters out of complacency, telling them they CAN and should be participatory on day to day basis, clause to clause basis on all bills to come in now – Lokpal bill is simply beta level bill
– Congress is trying multi-pronged attack (soiling Team Anna’s name, playing condescending, distracting, hiding behind righteousness of Parliament being supreme etc), and making a poor show of it – they need better planners
– seems few Congress people seriously want to dent SG/ RG’s empire and want change in polity
– Congress is awaiting National Elections and fading public memory as its defence; media penetration is low anyways
– Congress has as a dilatory tactic, turning Lokpal bill into a constitutional entity, which requires 2/3rd majority, which UPA doesn’t have – thus if bill is defeated, Congress wants to implicate other parties too
– most of the educated in India are its bane – they still are ‘floating’, unable to take clear stance
– most parties are stuck to gameplan that parliament is supreme, and only by winning elections, can one get into parliament, and the art of winning elections is eclectically mastered by handful of parties (voter/ citizen/ expectations have no correlation to who wins elections)
– all said, Team Anna’s rebuttals to tactical stuff paraded by Congress/ UPA is mature and more organized (all Team members on various TV channels have same script, even to new on the spur questions)
– no point in giving more days to parliament in drafting better bill; parliament might pass a better bill, but would do so only when external pressure is on.

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